Tuesday, 22.10.2024
01:49  Minsk

.by - The list of the customs clearance points and the checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Belarus - Rest in Belarus price 2024
Rest in Belarus

The list of the customs clearance points and the checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Belarus

Border crossings, the customs of the Republic of Belarus

State border of the Republic of Belarus

The territory of the Republic of Belarus is about 207 600 square kilometers: the distance from west to east - 650 km, from north to south - 560 km. Belarus is bordered by five states, the lenght of the border is more than 3614 km, of which - with the Russian Federation - more than 1283 km; Republic of Latvia - 172,912 km; Lithuania - 678,819 km; Republic of Poland - 398,624 km; the Ukraine - about 1084 km.

border in Russia Russian-Belorussian border - the state border between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the length of which is more than 1283 km. At the present time crossing of Russian border is governed by the Treaty of Friendship, good neighborliness and cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation from the 21th February, 1995. With the Republic of Belarus borders Pskov region, Smolensk region, Bryansk region of the Russian Federation. There isn't checkpoints and customs controls at the border. The border is formality. On the 1st April, 2011 was repealed transport controls at the border. Cars can cross the border between the two states without any stops and registration system documentation. Now all actions connected with the transport control carried out only on the outer border of the Union State of Belarus and Russia.

Visa procedure and customs control in Belarus

Belarus visa Most foreign visitors to enter Belarus need to get one type of visa (transit, short/long-term, single/multiple).

More about visa procedure
More about customs control
More about visa-free entry to the Republic of Belarus


Visa is not required for:

  • citizens of CIS countries, including the Russian Federation, the Ukraine (except Turkmenistan),
  • citizens of Cuba, Serbia and Montenegro, Mongolia, Macedonia (for visits up to 30 days),
  • citizens of Venezuela (for visits up to 90 days).

According to the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus, from 2017 for citizens of about 80 countries of the world visa-free regime of visits to the Republic of Belarus for a period of up to 30 days (including the day of arrival and departure).

Citizens of the Russian Federation are not required a visa to enter the Republic of Belarus, they need only a general civil Russian passport. Crossing the border by car you need the following documents: insurance for the vehicle, technical certificate and identity card. Obtain insurance for the car you can advance in the community in the insurance companies or on the border (registration points are available for 24 hours a day). For insurance purposes you need your passport and documents for the car.

The cost of the visa varies, depending on the nationality of the applicant, the applicant's age, type of visa. For citizens of Latvian, Lithuania and Poland: 25 EUR - for a one-time short-term visa, 60 EUR - for multiple short-term visa.

The list of checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Belarus.

According to the Presidential Decree from 10th May, 2006 ¹ 313 «About checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Belarus and the types of control» is approved the list of checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Belarus.

Checkpoints are divided into the following categories: A (international) - to skip in the established order of physical persons, vehicles and goods, irrespective of their nationality and citizenship; B (interstate) - to skip in the established order on the basis of a bilateral treaty with neighboring state of physical persons, vehicles and goods of this state. C (simplified) - to skip in the established orderon the basis of a bilateral treaty with neighboring state of physical persons and vehicles of border areas.

The main checkpoints for vehicles on the Belarusian border with Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the Ukraine.

Map of Belarus
The regulations of crossing the state border of the Republic of Belarus
Toll roads in the Republic of Belarus, BelToll

¹ Name of checkpoint in the Republic of Belarus
(in the neighbor state)
Belarus - Latvia
1 Urbany (Silene)
2 Grigorovshchina (Paternieki)
Belarus - Lithuania
1 Benyaskoni (Shalchininkai)
2 Kamennyi Log (Medininkai)
3 Kotlovka (Lavorishkes)
4 Privalka (Raigardas)
Belarus - Poland
1 Berestovitsa (Bobrowniki)
2 Brest (Terespol)
3 Bruzgi (Forge Belostotskaya)
4 Domachevo (Slovatichi)
5 Kozlovichi (Kukuryki)
6 Peschatka (Polovtsy)
Belarus - Ukraine
1 Aleksandrovka (Vilcha)
2 Verhniy Terebezhov (Gorodische)
3 Veselovka (Senkovka)
4 Glushkevichi (Majdan Kopishanskij)
5 Divin (Samary)
6 Komarin (Slavutych)
7 Mokrany (Domanove)
8 Mohro (Dolsk)
9 Nevel (Prikladniki)
10 Novaya Guta (Novi Yarylovychi)
11 Novaya Rudnya (Vystupovichi)
12 Oltush (Pisha)
13 Tomashovka (Pulemets)

Checkpoints on the railway station, at the airport

¹ Name of checkpoint in the Republic of Belarus
(in the neighbor state)
Type of checkpoint
Belarus - Latvia
1 Bigosovo (Indra) on the railway station
Belarus - Lithuania
1 Benyakoni (Stasilos) on the railway station
2 Gudogay (Kena) on the railway station
Belarus - Poland
1 Brest (Terespol) on the railway station
2 Grodno (Forge Belostotskaya) on the railway station
3 Vysokolitovsk (Cheremha) on the railway station
4 Svisloch (Semenovka) on the railway station
Belarus - Ukraine
1 Horyn (Udritsk) on the railway station
2 Iolcha (Nedanchichi) on the railway station
3 Slovechno (Vystupovichi) on the railway station
4 Terekhovka (Schors) on the railway station
5 Teryuha (Gornostaevka) on the railway station
6 Hotislav (Zabolotie) on the railway station
7 Airport Brest at the airport
8 Airport Vitebsk at the airport
9 Airport Grodno at the airport
10 Airport Gomel at the airport
11 Airport Minsk-1 at the airport
12 Airport Mogilev at the airport
13 Minsk National Airport at the airport

The regulations of crossing the state border of the Republic of Belarus

Entry into Belarus during the COVID-19 pandemic

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