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.by - Contract of rendering of travel services - Rest in Belarus price 2025
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Contract of rendering of travel services

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The following is a typical form of a Agreement for the provision of travel services. Depending on the purposes, tour operator has the right to make additions to it.

by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers
05.10.2010 ¹ 1431

Standard form

provision of tourist services ¹

___ ___________ 20__                                                                                     ___________________________
                                                                                                                    (place of conclusion of the contract)
(name (company name) of the tour operator)
hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, represented by _______________________________________________,
(position of an employee engaged in organizing tourism, his last name, first name, patronymic (if any), name (company name) of the travel agent, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur)
acting on the basis of _______________________________________
(constituent document, power of attorney, agency agreement or other agreement not prohibited by law)
on the one hand, and ___________________________________________________________________________,
(surname, first name, patronymic, (if any) of an individual, name (company name) of a legal entity)
hereinafter referred to as the Customer, on the other hand, collectively referred to as The parties have entered into this agreement as follows:


1. The contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, in accordance with the tourist travel program in accordance with Appendix 1, to provide tourist services to persons in accordance with Appendix 2 who are tourists, excursionists (hereinafter, unless otherwise indicated, tourists), and the customer undertakes to pay for these services.


2. In the event of concluding this agreement in favor of third parties (tourists), the customer undertakes to ensure that these persons comply with the terms of this agreement and thereby expresses their consent to the terms of this agreement.
3. Tourists have the right to demand that the contractor provide them with tourist services in accordance with the tourist travel program in accordance with Appendix 1.
4. The travel agent authorized by the contractor to conclude this agreement is empowered to:
5. The number of tourists to whom tourism services are provided in accordance with this agreement is _____ people.
6. The minimum number of people determined by the contractor when creating the tour, which is necessary for the implementation of the tourist trip, is _____.
7. The quality of tourist services must comply with the terms of this agreement, and in their absence or incompleteness – with the requirements for services of the corresponding type.


8. The cost of tourist services under this agreement is _________________________________________________.
9. Terms and procedure for payment of tourist services, as well as payment of penalties (penalties, fines) ______________________________________________________________________________.


10. The contractor has the right to:
timely receipt from the customer of complete and reliable information, documents, as well as information about themselves and tourists to the extent necessary to fulfill their obligations under this agreement;
compensation by the customer for damage caused in cases and in the manner established by civil and civil procedural legislation;
11. The performer is obliged:
11.1. provide the customer with timely information about travel services, including information:
about the tourist travel program;
about the tour operator who organized the tour;
about the cost of tourist services, terms and procedure for their payment;
on a set of measures to guarantee the personal safety and safety of property of tourists and sightseers during a tourist trip;
about the exact start time of the tourist trip, no later than one day before the start date of the tourist trip or at the time of concluding this agreement, if there is less than one day left before the start of the tourist trip;
about the receiving party;
other information related to the provision of tourism services;
11.2. for international outbound tourism, in addition to the information provided in subclause 11.1 of this clause, also provide information:
on compliance with the rules of personal safety of tourists, excursionists;
on ensuring the fulfillment by the tour operator that formed the tour of obligations under contracts for the provision of tourism services in the field of international outbound tourism by means of ways to ensure the fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under contracts for the provision of tourist services in the field of international outbound tourism;
on the procedure for participants in tourism activities to apply for compensation for property damage in connection with the occurrence of cases of impossibility of fulfilling obligations by the tour operator;
11.3. promptly provide the customer with the documents necessary for the tourist trip;
11.4. take measures to respect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the customer and tourists during the period of their tourist travel through the territory of the country (place) of temporary stay (transit travel), including in the event of an unlawful act or the occurrence of another unforeseen circumstance in relation to the customer and ( or) tourists;
11.5. ensure the proper quality of tourist services and their safety in accordance with this agreement;
11.6. in the absence of the minimum number of people specified in paragraph 6 of this agreement, inform the customer about this no later than ten calendar days before the start date of the tourist trip;
11.7. compensate in the manner established by civil and civil procedural legislation for damage caused to the customer and (or) tourists;
11.8. in case of unilateral refusal to fulfill obligations under this agreement during a tourist trip, at the request of the tourist, excursionist, organize his return to the place of the beginning (end) of the tourist trip on the terms specified in this agreement, or on the terms of a higher level;
11.9. if during a tourist trip it turns out that the volume and quality of the tourist services provided do not comply with the terms of this agreement, replace the tourist services provided during the tourist trip with tourist services of similar or higher quality without additional costs of the customer, but with the consent of the customer or tourist - tourist services of lower quality with compensation to the customer for the difference between the cost of tourist services specified in this agreement and the cost of actually provided tourist services;
11.10. ensure the fulfillment of its obligations under this agreement by means of ensuring that the tour operator fulfills its obligations under contracts for the provision of tourism services in the field of international outbound tourism, provided for by tourism legislation;
11.11. notify the customer of the occurrence of cases of impossibility of fulfilling its obligations under this agreement;
11.12. inform the customer about an unexpected increase in the cost of individual services included in the range of tourist services;
11.13. comply with the terms of this agreement;
12. The customer has the right:
12.1. require the provision of tourist services to tourists in accordance with the tourist travel program in accordance with Appendix 1;
12.2. for compensation by the performer for the harm caused in cases and in the manner established by civil and civil procedural legislation;
12.3. to ensure that the contractor provides adequate quality of tourist services and their safety;
12.4. to contact the contractor with a claim in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the contractor of the terms of this agreement;
13. The customer is obliged:
13.1. familiarize yourself and familiarize tourists with the terms of this agreement, as well as the information provided in subclauses 11.1 and 11.2 of clause 11 of this agreement;
13.2. independently familiarize yourself with and follow the rules for leaving the territory of the Republic of Belarus and entering the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
13.3. promptly provide the contractor with complete, reliable information and documents, as well as information about yourself and tourists to the extent necessary to fulfill obligations under this agreement;
13.4. reimburse the actual expenses incurred by the contractor in the event of a unilateral refusal to fulfill obligations under this agreement, subject to their documentary confirmation;
13.5. comply with the terms of this agreement;
13.6. ensure that tourists fulfill the following duties:
arrive in a timely manner at the starting point of the tourist trip, as well as at the places of collection and departure during the tourist trip;
comply with the legislation of the country (place) of temporary stay, respect its political and social structure, customs, traditions, religions of the population;
take care of the environment and cultural values;
comply with the rules of entry and exit of the country (place) of temporary stay (transit travel);
observe the rules of personal safety of tourists, excursionists;


14. Change, termination, unilateral refusal to fulfill obligations under this agreement are carried out on the grounds provided for by civil law and this agreement, in the form in which this agreement was concluded.
15. The customer has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill obligations under this agreement, subject to payment to the contractor for the actual expenses incurred.
The Contractor, in the event of a unilateral refusal by the customer to fulfill this agreement, is obliged to take necessary and reasonable actions to reduce the actual costs incurred, including contacting the tourism industry entities he has attracted to reduce such costs.
If the contractor does not confirm the actual expenses incurred, refuses to present the customer with documents confirming such expenses, or does not clearly indicate in the documents the source at the expense of which the actual expenses were incurred, the contractor is obliged to return to the customer the funds paid for tourist services in full.
16. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under this agreement only if the customer is fully compensated for losses.
If the performer refuses to fulfill his obligations under this agreement during a tourist trip, the performer is obliged, at the request of the customer and (or) tourists, to organize their return to the place of start (end) of the tourist trip on the terms provided for in this agreement, or on terms more high level.
17. In the absence of the minimum number of people specified in clause 6 of this agreement, the contract is terminated subject to the contractor returning the cost of paid tourist services and informing the customer within the period specified in subclause 11.6 of clause 11 of this agreement.


18. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement in accordance with the law.
19. The parties are not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement if this turns out to be impossible due to force majeure circumstances. In the event of force majeure circumstances and the impossibility of the parties to fulfill their obligations under this agreement, each party has the right to demand from the other party the return of everything that it has performed without receiving reciprocal satisfaction.
20. The contractor is not responsible for damage that may be caused to tourists through their own fault or through the fault of third parties who provide services during a tourist trip that are not included in its program and provided on the initiative of the tourists themselves.
21. Fulfillment by the contractor of obligations under this agreement provided through ________________________________________________________________________________.
(indicate one of the methods provided for in part one of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 11, 2021 ¹129-Z «On Tourism»)
Information about the organization ensuring the execution of the tour operator obligations under contracts for the provision of tourist services: ______________________________________________________________________
(name organizations, location, contact details) .
List of expenses reimbursed to the customer and tourists, including additional costs: _____________________________________________________________________________________________.
The procedure and terms for the customer and (or) tourists to contact us with a written application (under a bank guarantee – with a written demand) for payment a sum of money to compensate for property damage caused in connection with with the occurrence of cases where it is impossible for the tour operator to fulfill its obligations:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. <**>
22. The parties determined that before filing a claim in court for disputes arising from this agreement, the customer contacts the contractor with a corresponding claim within the time limits provided for by the legislation on the protection of consumer rights.
The parties have the right to use another pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes arising from this agreement that does not contradict the law, in compliance with the deadlines for satisfying consumer demands established by the legislation on the protection of consumer rights.
23. The claim procedure for resolving disputes established in clause 22 of this agreement does not apply to cases of property damage caused to the customer and (or) tourists in connection with the occurrence of cases where the contractor is unable to fulfill his obligations under this agreement. For these purposes, the parties are guided by paragraph 21 of this agreement.


24. This agreement comes into force on the date of its signing by the parties and is valid until the obligations under it are fully fulfilled.
25. Documents and their copies confirming the fact of payment for the cost of tourist services are an integral part of this agreement.
26. This agreement is drawn up in ___________________ language <***> in ____ copies having equal legal force.


Executor Customer
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

I am familiar with the rules of personal safety of tourists and excursionists.
(signature of the Customer)

<*> Clause 4 of this agreement is completed when the tour is sold to the customer through a travel agent.
<**> Clause 21 of this agreement is filled out in contracts for the provision of tourism services in the field of international outbound tourism.
<***> The agreement can be concluded in Russian, Belarusian or a foreign language. In this case, the text of the agreement concluded in Belarusian or a foreign language must correspond to the text of the agreement in Russian.

Appendix 1

to the contract of provision
tourist services
Tourist travel program

Tourist services: __________________________________________.
Name (company name) of the tour operator that formed tour: ___________________________________________.
Tourist route: ___________________________________.
Date, time of start and end of the tourist trip: ________________________________________________________.
The procedure for meeting, seeing off and accompanying tourists: ________________________________________.
Transportation service: _____________________________________________________.
Characteristics of vehicles, timing of connections (combined) flights: ______________________________________.
Transfer services: ______________________________________________________________.
Accommodation service: __________________________________________.
Characteristics of tourist accommodation facilities (their location, classification according to the legislation of the country (place) of temporary stay, other information) __________________________________________________.
Catering service: _____________________________________________.
The procedure for providing meals to tourists: _________________________________.
List and characteristics of other tourist services: ______________________________________________________.
Other information: ________________________________________________.

Executor Customer
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

Appendix 2
to the contract of rendering
tourism services

Information about tourists, excursionists to whom tourism services are provided <*>

1. ______________________________________________________________;
2. ______________________________________________________________;
3. ______________________________________________________________;

Rights and obligations of tourists, excursionists to whom tourism services are provided;
1. Tourists and sightseers to whom tourism services are provided have the right to:
1.1. provision of tourist services according to the tourist travel program;
1.2. familiarization with information about tourism services and other related information;
1.3. ensuring by the contractor the proper quality of tourist services and their safety;
1.4. protection of your rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;
1.5. compensation for damage caused in cases and in the manner established by civil and civil procedural legislation, as well as this agreement;
2. Tourists and excursionists to whom tourism services are provided are obliged to:
2.1. promptly provide the customer with complete, reliable information and documents for subsequent submission to the contractor, as well as information about oneself to the extent necessary to fulfill obligations under this agreement;
2.2. arrive promptly at the starting point of the tourist trip, as well as at the places of collection and departure during the tourist trip;
2.3. comply with the legislation of the country (place) of temporary stay, respect its political and social structure, customs, traditions, religions of the population;
2.4. treat the environment and cultural values with care;
2.5. comply with the rules of entry and exit of the country (place) of temporary stay (transit);
2.6. observe the rules of personal safety of tourists, excursionists;

Executor Customer
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

* Surname, name, place of residence.

Useful links:

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment of a visa-free order of entrance and departure of foreign citizens from dated January 9, 2017 ¹8
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment of a visa-free procedure for entry and exit of foreign citizens dated August 7, 2019 ¹300
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 14, 2019 ¹699
Agreement on the provision of medical assistance to citizens of the States members of the Commonwealth of independent States
Agreement on the processing of personal data

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